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Fiber Content II: A juried exhibit of fiber work
Exhibition Dates: September 6 - October 17, 2013


     In this juried exhibit, the viewer will find a wide and varied selection of artwork made from primarily fiber components. Some of the fiber media and techniques in this exhibit include wall hangings, whole cloth, quilting, wearables, cast paper, felting, and transfer techniques.


The Juried Artists:

Virginia Dragschutz
Katherine Ehlmann
Gloria Henderson
Shirley Nachtrieb
Naomi Runtz 

Betty Shew 
Leslie Flum Uljee
Melissa Whitwam
Joanne Woll 

WhitwamMelissa Whitwam Melissa Whitwam  
Watch the Awards Ceremony on Framations You Tube Channel    
1st Place: "Before the Fall" by Gloria Henderson. 
1st Place:
Before the Fall
Gloria Henderson 
2nd Place: "Transition II" by Shirley Nachtrieb.
2nd Place:
Transition II
Shirley Nachtrieb 
3rd Place: "The Dwelling Place" by Betty Shew.
3rd Place:
The Dwelling Place
Betty Shew
People's Choice Award: "Forms of Growth" by Melissa Whitwam.
People's Choice Award
Forms of Growth
 Melissa Whitwam 
Honorable Mention: "Blanche" by Joanne Woll.
Honorable Mention:
Joanne Woll 
Honorable Mention: "Fire/Water" by Leslie Flum Uljee.
Honorable Mention:
Leslie Flum Uljee
Honorable Mention: "Journey II" by Shirley Nachtrieb.
Honorable Mention:
Journey II
Shirley Nachtrieb
Juror Deann Rubin
Juror: Deann Rubin

Juror's Statement:
     As a juror, artist and viewer of art, I look for the unique voice. Successful art works marry command of technique, texture and emotion. The author of mature art responds to fiber as a medium but steps beyond manipulating materials to reach her or his own melody or song. 
     Of all the pieces submitted for the show, “Fiber Content II”, the embroidery  “After the Fall”, had an energy and originality, I responded to. The mixed media quilted block, “Transition II”, showed a sensitive fiber response to elements of design - color, line, texture and repetition. The dimensional white figure in the black frame, “The Dwelling Place” was strong, with a commanding mystery, transcending its small size and paper media. I thank Framations Gallery, for the opportunity to jury this fiber show. I hope the gallery continues to grow this fiber exhibition. 
~ Juror Deann Rubin  Deann Rubin Deann Rubin Deann Rubin  
About the Juror:

     Fiber artist Deann Rubin holds a B.F.A.  in Design from The University of Kansas,  Lawrence, KS. She also holds two-year certificates, in Computer Design and in Illustration from Collin County Community College, Plano, TX.  She apprenticed for one-and half years with Tapestry artist Muriel Nezhnie Helfman. Her handwoven tapestries have been shown nationally in ATA tapestry exhibits, in Russia and Australia, and locally including the Missouri History Museum. She has curated a tapestry exhibit at Craft Alliance Gallery, U. City. Her work is included in the Martin and Cathy  Wice Collection.
     Her work has been seen in Fiberarts Design Books and Shuttle, Spindle & Dyepot Magazine.  She is a past President of Missouri Fiber Arts and Tapestry Weavers West. She is a juried member of Best of Missouri Hands and the Greater St. Louis Art Association.

The images contained on this site are copyrighted by the artists
and cannot be downloaded, copied or used without written permission. 

Framations Custom Framing & Art Gallery ~ 218 North Main Street ~ St Charles, Missouri 63301 ~ (636)724-8313